
Sensational Junk Cloche

Well, there is a fancy word that is running rampant in the blogging decor community. Cloche.

Rumor has it you haven't 'arrived' in decor until you have one. I know because I read the rumor in a blog! ;-) Well, have one I MUST then. The search began!

I saw a limited amount of the fancy french word beauties on my excursion to Scott's Antique Market in the big city. For a pretty penny I could 'arrive' in the world of home decor. My clearance rack, junkie mind wouldn't allow for an expenditure on such grand scales to become a Decor Diva.

Yet while visiting my local high end Goodwill (so shall it be named due to the higher prices in this little HotLanta burb), I spotted this large glass jar object for $1.91. My brain began to spin with possibilities! Inspiration struck. Along with visions of splendor at finally arriving in the blog world of decor!

So what is a budding Diva to do? Head on over to Wally World and pick up an added item to make my sensational junk cloche dreams come true! Next you place the thrifty find and the Wally World purchase of a tiny votive candle holder next to each other, then make photos for all the blogging gals to see your Diva in the making qualities and cleverness.

You search your newly organized Inspiration Studio for hours trying to find the item that will pull all of this together. Where did I put that? Oh gee, what an inopportune time for my CRS (can't remember stuff) to kick in. Doesn't that glue realize what is at stake here? Arrivaldom...or something like that.

Quick stop at Hobby Lobby after work remedies the lost glue and the lost mind. For the love of cornbread my memory chips are in need of a reboot.

Add a little junk girl trash to treasure magic. Toss in a bit of fake Dollar store moss and a cute little birdie. Set it on a pretty plate and VOILA! (another fancy French word there, just in case ya'll didn't notice). This junk hunter wannabe Decor Diva presents a homemade:

Now don't you go fretting about me being found out by the locals that I junk hunted my little Cloche into existence for the mere price of $3. Most of these farm boys don't speak French. They use tractors and tillers to toil the land growing their veggies. Should they question the authenticity of this cutie pie, my now earned Decor Diva qualities will kick in, hopefully before my CRS and explain that according to Merriam-Webster dictionary a Cloche is a transparent plant cover used outdoors especially for protection against cold. Of course, some may question my sanity as to why one is sitting on the little living room table with a bird under it!

I must say that I am not the only thrifty cloche Diva in blog land. I found at least two other gals that have arrived before me in the decor world. Another Sherry with her almost identical twin design of a cloche at Creations from My Heart and Blanca at For the Love of My Home & Life. I ran across another Diva a few weeks ago that used a finial and a jar, but I can not find her now.

So crafty thrifty sisters of mine, do not stress over coveting thy blog sisters cloche. RUN to your nearest thrift/junk store and let your imaginations soar. With just a tad of glue you can make shiny sensational junk glass in to a cloche!


  1. Oh, thank goodness, I thought I'd never get there! I'm off to the GW to find a cloche, or at least the parts with which to make one! Great job.

  2. I love your junk cloche. You have insipried me to be on the lookout for the glass parts to make one for myself! I loved reading your post.
    Nina (Bettye)

  3. Hi Sherri! Oh, this turned out so cute! You're the most cleaver one! I want to make one of these, too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Oh Sherri! I am inspired! I was actually cloche-hunting at my local luck...not even the makings for one. But I will continue my search! Great post...Debbie

  5. I like this a lot because I have cats and with
    the glass cover they can only look at the feathered friend inside. Cute idea!

  6. Just stopping by and thought I'd leave a comment...hope you don't mind.

    You are so clever to make your own adorable little cloche, and I mean adorable! I was never a thrift store kinda gal until I started blogging (I say that I used to be a thrift store "snob!") Now I love them and realize the possibilities are endless.

  7. LOL - you're hilarious! Love the cloche, thanks for stopping by LoLo0Craft, and my father has always called Disneyland Walley World. I was confused at first, thinking you did your home decor shopping in an amusement park - that would definitely give your home a unique style!!

  8. I had to laugh, because I am already making mine...glad you came by as it caused me to find don't be a stranger.

  9. What a wonderful creation. Thanks for mentioning me and for reading my post about the cloche. I'm glad you were inspired to make one of your own. Blessings...Sherry

  10. What a LOVELY cloche!! Great job!! Don't you just love E6000 glue? LOL!!

    I have a "Re-Purposed" Cloche myself...check it out here (near the end of the post):


  11. Hi Sherri,

    Your homemade cloche turned out great. I have done some similar ones on my posts of Nov. 14 and Sept 7. I absolutely have cloche LOVE! Apothecary jars run a very close second!

  12. Great job Sherri...Now for a quick little story...when I was on the hunt for my cloche, I told my husband what I was on the lookout for...he said there was just such a store in a shopping center up the street...I couldn't imagine a store devoted to I said, "show me"...he did...the sign read 'KOLACHE SHOP'...seriously, he really thought that's wehere I could find a cloche..
    LOL......;-) Bo

  13. Sherri,

    Thanks so much for visiting & leaving your lovely comments, I appreciate it. :-)

    Gosh, I just love this post, so well written and on spot! I too had been wondering about this "cloche" mania amongst our fellow bloggerina's! Suddenly it seemed that coveting a cloche (as well as something creative under it) was inperative to shed that "new kid on the block" image. If I had ever seen a cloche in all my days of antiquing & thrifting, I certainly didn't know what it was at the time! And now, not only do I know the purpose of one, but the creative forces must indeed be set forth to truly join the ranks of the Decorating Diva's! Can't wait to begin my search!

    In all seriousness...I love what you have done with your cloche and thank you for this hilarious post! Love it!! You have my kind of sense of humor! I will stay tuned!! :-)


  14. Sherri,
    Cheers to the Cloche. Yours is darling. I havn't blogged about mine yet so I guess I am behind the times. Thanks for visiting me on my blog. Here's to decorating with a sense of humor. Yours is terrific.

  15. Aren't you the most creative little thing? That is brilliant! I don't think I would have had the patience to do all that, but it worked! Love it, and your little birdie peeking out inside.

    I am a fairly new bigtime thrift store addict! :) Come see my dishes on today's post!


  16. Thanks for the chuckle -- as Mama always said, "Necessity is the mother of invention!"


  17. What a great idea. I've wanted a cloche but I can't bring myself to plop down the money for one.... now this is more my thrifty style :0)

  18. Hi Sherri....looking forward to meeting you on glad you can join us....Sue.

  19. Very clever! I love it! Yes, definitely come to the luncheon...looking forward to meeting you!

  20. Very creative and now I know what to be on the look-out for.

  21. Sherri, your cloche turned out beautiful. you're so creative!

  22. Pretty darn cute! We have a few in the garden for annuals when the nights are still cool. I'll just steal one from there!

  23. What a great writer you are! Wow! I love your cloche - such a great idea! I will now be on the lookout! Thanks for the inspiration!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~