
Inspire me Pink!

Welcome to my first Pink Saturday post! I am thrilled to join Beverly over at How Sweet The Sound and the long list of ladies that share a little PINK inspiration.

Let me first say I had planned to pre-schedule my post last night. After work I came in and decided to do a bit of organization in my tiny laundry room. I had clothes on washing, while cleaning out the shelves. When the washer began pumping out the water...water began rolling down the wall! The drain apparently is clogged. I jumped off the step stool and turned off the machine but there was a huge puddle of water to clean up. So yes, real life happens and I am up sipping coffee this morning, typing up my post.

A few years ago I attended an event for Scrapbookers in a town just outside of Birmingham. The entire theme of the weekend was PINK ! Not only were there classes on making scrapbook items but the speakers were inspiring. Women sharing about their lives in such a way to remind us how we are all connected. My getting back into blogging has also reminded me of this. Women sharing their lives, their dreams, their talents, their inspiration with all of us. Reaching out to other women and touching our lives. I would like to thank EACH of you for sharing that passion and reminding us with your shared creativity that we each have the power to inspire someone every day. Even though we may not realize it. Your words do reach out and touch others.

I have read blogs on trials in our lives, on triumphs in our lives, on the daily challenges that face us. I read the ones where people are sharing their creative talents with us; inspiring us to find a simple junk store item and turn someone else's trash into a treasure for our homes. Blogging truly is a community come together by the dynamics of the Internet. Like the old quilting circles where women sat around pushing thread through fabric weaving together not only something beautiful and warm for their families but sharing their stories, enriching the lives of those in the circle.

So today not only do I share a beautiful color with you! I celebrate each of YOU!!! That take the time in your busy daily lives to post a blog. To share your stories, your talents, your ups and downs, your courage, the love for your families, your strength and yes, your weakness also. For every word is a work of {heart}. Your words INSPIRE me.

One last pink photo. Last weekend my daughter and I attended a baby shower of one of her friends. She is expecting a little girl and this was the centerpiece made by one of the hostesses. Another work of love and shared creativity!


  1. hi sheri
    welcome! i agree with you. blogging connects woman, although the blogs look different as each one of us do. the feelings seem to say the same things.happy pink saturday.

  2. Well, Sherri, I discovered your blog on the Pink Saturday list, and I must say that it's too bad we don't live in the same town. I think we could be great friends. I've already read three or four of your posts, and I love your sense of humor.

  3. Love your pink! Welcome to PS. Have a great weekend.

  4. welcome to pink! thanks for sharing your thoughts on blogging-it is a wonderful community to connect all of us. have a wonderful pink week!!

  5. Great 1st Pink Saturday post :-)
    Your "inspire" sign is adorable.

  6. What a great and inspirational pink post!

  7. Welcome to Bev's Pink Saturday and I was delighted to have you visit The Vintage Nest. You have written a fabulous pink Saturday post! And I enjoyed reading it and your other posts too. HPS. xo Lynn

  8. Well, you are not the only one posting this morning... I have had a sick little girl so needless to say, she took ALL of my time yesterday. I love the scrapbook word, and the flower at the top. I just bought a flower just like that for my Mom yesterday. LOL
    God bless you, Sarah

  9. Terrific post - Happy First Pink Saturday!

  10. Hi Shari -

    Welcome to pink saturday! Great scrapbooking shares - such a pretty flower. I am (more like was!) a huge scrapbooker.
    Have a great weekend,

  11. Happy Pink saturday Sherrie, thanks for stoping by sweet post especially the one of the cloche???did I spell that right lol

  12. Welcome to Pink Saturday! What beautiful words you have written. Your whole sit could be Pink Saturday - so cute. Hope you got your washer fixed.....there is nothing worse than unexpected water.

  13. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Sherri. I'm a scrapbooker, too.

    Thank you for this wonderful post. We all have so much to learn and share with each other.

  14. LOvely pink post. I read your earlier story about Disney and the song It's a small world after all. It is my favorite song as well. We visited Disney several times but I would never miss Small world. Welcome and happy pink Saturday

  15. Your pink is so inspirational!! Have a perfectly pink day.

  16. What great thoughts, and what a perfect way to start Pink Saturday. It is a community, and we share so much.

    Sorry about your drain - life happens! But your "Inspire" letters were perfect!

  17. Sherri Hey! My first time to visit your blog, but you are so right about the importance of women connecting with and supporting each other--in peron and online! That is one lesson that I hope I have taught and am teaching my own daughter. Thanks and Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Hi Sherri,
    Welcome to Pink Saturday. What an inspiring post.

  19. Morning, Sherri and welcome to your first Pink Saturday! What a gorgoues bloom. I love to scrapbook myself, but have not been able to for over a year! WAA! I want to get back to it!
    Aren't you sweet! Blogland is such an inspiration to me too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope to see you again next time!

  21. What a beautiful post!! I'll definitely come back and visit again. Have a wonderful p♥nk Saturday!!

  22. Congratulations on your first Pink Post!
    Beautiful flower!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Your blog is wonderful and so positively pink! I look forward to returning and reading more of your entries! The baby shower centerpiece is just terrific!

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  24. Hi Sherri,
    Welcome to Pink Saturday!

    Thank you for sharing your thought about blogging. I feel the same way about it.

    I love the shower centerpiece!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday!
    Deanna :D

  25. Very nice post! I agree the centerpiece is delightful!


  27. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Great that you were right there when your laundry room needed you most :)! Great photos, the INSPIRE sign is so...inspiring :)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  28. Welcome to Pink Saturday!!
    Such a fun place to connect with lovely women who are very inspiring!!!
    Enjoy your day ;-)

    Blessing to you and nice to meet you!!

    Smiles from southern California,

  29. What a wonderful post Sherri! I think bloggers are some of the nicest people too!

  30. Welcome, Sherri, to your first Pink Saturday! Loved your post today! :-)

    And I love your new blog design! So cute!

    Hope you have a great day...


    Sheila :-)

  31. Welcome to your first pink Saturday!! What a great post! Can't wait to see what other goodies you have for us in the future!!

  32. Hi Sherri,
    Welcome to Pink Saturday. I loved your post. The "INSPIRE" sign is just to cute for words.
    Your thoughts on blogging and the Blog Community could not be more true. I enjoy visiting everyone and I've learned so much about many different things, whether it be sewing, painting, scrapping, decorating, cooking....etc. It's just a joy to connect with so many beautiful people.

    Happy PS


  33. Hi summed up the essence of blogging so well...I never could have dreamed how fulfilling blogging is when I jumped in about 6 months ago... The INSPIRE sign is just that...inspiring! ;-) Bo

  34. Happy PInk Saturday! Congratulations on your grandbaby on the way! What a cute centerpiece! pink hugs, Ellen

    p.s. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet pink comment!

  35. Happy Pink Saturday !!! Your pinks are wonderful.I have enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog - Have a wonderful new week.

  36. Hi Sherri, your laundry story brought back a total nightmare event with my washer. I started a wash and left the house to run errands. Three hours later I came home to a river flowing out my doors. Water covered my entire first floor of my house. Life as we knew it ended for weeks. On top of total chaos I slipped on the wet floor and had five stitches in my head. All ended well with new carpet etc. We do have real life slow us down from time to time.

    Your text today was so well written and so true.
    the exchange of everything we write about is a true expression of our need to connect with other women. Time consuming, yes, but so worth it. I adore the centerpiece for the baby shower. I have never seen anything like that before. Your scrap booking event sounds wonderful and PINK, the best color of all.


  37. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Lovely pink post!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  38. Welcome to Pink saturday....I love your header and got the graphics from photobucket..i make my headers too.
    God Bless

  39. Very lovely post. Yes, sometimes I need inspiration to do my blogging. Happy Pink Saturday.

  40. Happy PS! and welcome aboard! nice post.. in life, we always need a lil bit of inspiration here & there!.. have a great weekend

  41. Hi Sherri! I loved tihs post! Yes, life does happen, but I feel so blessed to have a group of women around me in blogland who are so wonderfully sweet and supportive! I am thrilled that you are coming Monday and I can't wait to meet you!!...hugs...Debbie

  42. Hi Sherri,
    I hope you all get just enough of the snow to make it pretty! It won't last long here.

    I used to really love scrapbooking...enjoyed this post.

    Your blog looks great...I don't think I have u on my blogroll, but I am going to add you right now!

  43. Hi Sherri,
    Welcome to your first Pink Saturday! We are all so glad you have decided to join us! I love your pink inspire and also the look of your blog all in pink!

  44. Hi Sherri! I understand I'll get to meet you on Monday at the GA Bloggers luncheon! That's so cool! I love your Pink Saturday Post...especially the PINK WORDS THAT SAY INSPIRE! I've only been seriously blogging for about 6 weeks now., and I'm learning the ropes of blog etiquette as fast as I can. ;) You have a very nice and cheery blog! ;) See you soon! ~CC Catherine

  45. Happy Pink Saturday! I love what you said about blogging. I feel the same way. A whole new community has been formed!

  46. Happy Pink Saturday!Loved the cake decoration at the baby shower! Very cute.

    Hugs :)


  47. Hello! Those giant flowers are pretty. And I like the word "inspire". Was it the theme? :-)The event you attended sound not only fun but meaningful as well. It's a good thing the color is pink so you get to share it to everybody on Pink Saturday!

  48. Ooooh....I love the 'inspire' sign!! Tres chic!! But, I have to say, the eggs, biscuits and gravy above are making me drool!! lol!

  49. Happy Belated Pink Saturday and welcome aboard Sherri! This was only my second Pink Saturday and it is sooooo much fun. I'm meeting the most delightful ladies, like yourself, and discovering gorgeous blogs, like your. What could be better than that? ♥


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~